Living in Indiana, I've never had to change my clock for Daylight Saving Time. Just not something I've had to worry about. Now I had to keep track of it since I had to know if the temple was on the same time as us or an hour ahead. But otherwise, I could care less about DST.
Until my mission. Bulgaria changes their clocks for DST. So, one morning as I was in the shower, my companion got the phone call from our District Leader to change our clocks. After my normal 30 minute shower, I emerged to an enraged companion. Apparently I had taken 90 minutes to shower and not 30 minutes! She ran to take her shower as I pondered what had happened. Did I fall asleep and not realize it? Did I do more than a normal load of laundry while in the shower (I had to hand wash all my clothes since we didn't have a washer/dryer)? I was very confused and troubled. I could not account for an hour of my day. What was I to do? Did I need to see a doctor or something?
I then got a phone call from some sister missionaries to remind us to change the clocks. As I glanced at my watch, I noted the time I should change it to. This sister gently reminded me that no, it's only 1 hour difference. So I looked at the clock on the bedside table and repeated what time I thought it should be. Again, this sister reminded me it's only ONE HOUR difference. When I then checked the clock in the kitchen, I was thoroughly confused. Not only did I lose an hour in the shower, now all the clocks weren't showing the right time.
When my companion got out of the shower, I told her of my confusion and troubles. As she began to snicker and then to just laugh uproariously, I realized that I had been had. I didn't know how I had been had, but I had. She then told me what had happened. She had changed that clocks in every room and decided not to tell me. For the rest of the day, I was off about an hour. My brain could not grasp the concept that the time had changed.
After my mission, I was home one morning when suddenly I awoke at 6 am. I was disoriented and knew that DST had started. So, as I looked intently at my clock, I tried to figure out what time it was. I called a good friend and as she sleepily said hello, I asked her what time it was. When she informed me it was 6 o'clock IN THE MORNING, I then asked, "No, I mean what time is it really?" She then snarled that it was 6 AM--Indiana doesn't change our clocks! I then sheepishly wished her a good morning and quietly hung up.
Now, Indiana has decided to join the rest of the world and change its clocks. This past weekend I knew that DST would start. While I was in the shower on Sunday morning getting ready for church, I realized that I had forgotten to change the clocks. So instead of it being 8:40, it was 9:40--almost time for Sunday School. I had missed the first hour of church.
I think I need to move to Arizona.
HAHAAA that is funny! When I moved out here to Utah I couldn't figure out how to change the time on my car. I hadn't needed to in Indy!
You do realize that YOU are the friend I called at 6 am?
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