Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Crush

Just in case you didn't know, I have a crush., a 30 something woman has a crush. Orlando Bloom makes me feel like a 13 year old. I feel giddy when I watch him in Lord of the Rings. I get breathless when watching Pirates of the Caribbean. He's younger than I, but he's within my 10 year rule...barely.

So, here's a picture of my cubicle (can it be called a cubicle if there are only 3 walls??) at work. Notice the Orlando pictures? No? Let me point them out. One large poster, two pictures on my metal cabinet, one calendar, and large face picture. Yeah, I'm a boy crazy teenager.

Because of my obsession, one of the guys at work would always tease and joke with me. Each month when I would get a new Orlando picture on my calendar, he would post something funny on it. Usually something about how young Orlando is. If you notice on one of my metal cabinets, you see some other things besides Orlando's face. Thanks to Scott, Orlando has been defaced.

But one of the best practical jokes ever played on me was done by this co-worker. Around Christmas one year, he began asking me if I had received anything "special." He kept asking periodically and wouldn't answer any questions when posed. Finally, in mid-February, I got a "special" delivery at my desk. Scott had signed me up for a year's subscription to Tiger Beat magazine. And guess who was in it??? Yep, that large facial picture was the first issue I got. Hilarious! Each month, I got to be 13 again. Of course, I wasn't really 13 because unless Orlando was in it, I had no idea who these kids in this magazine were. I would take the issues to church and give them to my 12-13 year old Sunday School class girls. They knew these teen idols and loved the magazine. Sadly, when the subscription ran out, so did my pictures of Orlando.

I recently had a meeting for my church calling. While there, one of the counselors handed me a folder--with Orlando all over it! She said she and her daughter were out and saw that and just had to get it for me. This same daughter gave me a framed picture of Orlando a few years ago...I still have to my autographed picture a friend got me for Christmas one year. I'm so pathetic............

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